index card tower

index card tower game 2015

Materials Needed: 20 index cards per group of kids (4-6 kids per group works best) and a flat surface on which to build.

Directions: Each group gets a stack of 20 index cards. The challenge is to see how high they can build a structure made out of cards. 


  • Only the cards may be used, no props or scissors.
  • The free-standing structure must stand for at least five seconds
  • You have five minutes to complete the challenge

As an FLL team building activity this works well even if you have only one group because like all core value challenges it is not about the product. it is about the process that the students use to decide upon their work and how they display gracious professionalism and other core values throughout the task.

Make sure to ask the team questions after the activity. Include things like:

  • How did you decide what approach to take to the challenge?
  • What was the hardest part of this challenge?
  • What did you team do well in this challenge?
  • How would you revise your strategy if you had another five minutes?

Idea from here

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